Ordering new apparel for your team or staff doesn't have to be a hassle.
At Running Threads, we have created a simplified process to ensure you get your items in as little as 7 days! Here's how it works:
Step 1 - Get a Quote
Our online quote form is quick and easy! In less that two minutes you can give us the details on what you're looking for. We LOVE details, so the more info you can give us the better! Don't know exactly what you're looking for? That's okay too, we'll help you figure it out.
Step 2 - Approve and Pay
We craft a quote tailored to your needs. The quote will be sent via email and text within one hour of your quote request! Once everything looks good all you'll do is click approve and a payment link will be sent straight to your computer or phone. Prefer to pay in person? No problem, come see us!
Step 3 - Check out the Artwork
Our team of graphic artists will design your apparel just the way you want it, and you'll get to give final approval before anything goes into production. We'll email and text you a proof. Everything look good? Click approve. Need some changes? Decline it and let us know. We will never put anything into production without your approval.
Now you sit back and relax! We'll do what we do best, and in as little as 7 days you'll have new merch!
We are ready to work with you and we know we can make it EASY. Request a quote online 💻 and let's get started today!